School Policy


Franklin School students are to arrive at school dressed appropriately for an academic day that reflects a commitment to behavioral and ethical standards. We no longer require uniforms, but Ben Franklin spirit colors are always welcome.

  • Clothing may not present a physical danger to self or others
  • Clothing may not disrupt the educational process
  • Note: There is a no hat policy inside the school building at Franklin School (hats may be worn during outside activities)
  • No hanging belts, chains or sagging pants
  • No "spaghetti" strap tops/dresses and no halter tops
  • No baring midriff tops
  • Dresses, skirts, shorts must be at least mid-thigh length
  • Students may continue to wear Ben Franklin colors and spirit wear.

**For safety reasons students must wear closed-toe shoes. No sandals, flip-flops, high-heels etc.

All dress must meet District approved guidelines:

Desert Sands Administrative Regulation 5132 (a)


Drop off begins at 8:00 AM. Please do not drop students off prior to 8:00 AM as there is no supervision prior to that time. After 8:30, the gates will lock and students must enter through the office and get a tardy slip. For the first 2 weeks of school, the entire staff will be at the pick-up area to make sure all students are safely reunited with grow-ups. If your student will be walking home please remind them about crosswalk safety. Also, all students riding bikes or scooters need to wear a helmet. The first 2 weeks of school are always a challenge in the parking lot. Please use extra caution and plan to be patient. After the first 2 weeks the congestion is lifted and pick up will run more quickly.

**Please remember that Wednesday's are always minimum days with an early pick-up.**


Students in grades 3-5 are permitted to ride their bicycles or non-motorized scooters to school. Students who ride bicycles/scooters to and from school are expected to ALWAYS wear bicycle helmets, observe safety laws and rules, and display courtesy towards other riders, pedestrians, and the crossing guards (School Board Policy 5142.3; Vehicle Code 21212).

Bicycles/scooters are to be walked when using the crosswalk. Bicycles/scooters are to be locked in the secured bike compound (located to the left of the main office entrance) during school hours. Bicycles/scooters are to be walked on school property. Students are to take their bike helmets to their classroom for safekeeping during the school day.


Skateboards, motorized scooters, rollerblades, and shoes with wheels/cleats are NOT allowed on school property. Signs are posted around the school as reminders. If students bring these items to school, they will be confiscated and sent to the office. Parents will need to pick them up at their convenience.


Birthday celebrations

Parents may choose off the list (see attached list)

Ask for teacher input to add to and finalize food and nonfood lists

Teachers will communicate and share lists with families during back to school nights

Teachers may narrow down and remove items from the list as needed based on student allergies or preference, but not add additional items to the list (keeps all of us on the same page)

Basic information to be added to the school website, and a letter sent home

No cupcakes

Items to be dropped off by 9 am

Class Celebrations

Up to the teacher’s discretion

The teacher is responsible for items

Refrigerated and frozen items up to teacher’s discretion

Snack donations - ask parents to try to coordinate with the teacher before dropping off


Here are ideas for what you can provide for your student's celebration in the classroom. There is a no cupcake policy. 


Our volunteer support at Franklin is outstanding and we are so thankful for the many hours parents contribute every year. Please take time to get involved and support your student's education. The volunteer application process is all online and can be accessed through our resources page or HERE which directs you to DSUSD. You can also stop by the office and we will help you get signed up. If you are interested in helping but are not sure how to get started or where to devote your time, we would be glad to help you with that as well.

Our goal is to have a rich community environment here at Franklin. Please know that our doors are always open. As we all converse and work together, our school and our community grow stronger. We value the opportunity to work WITH YOU!! Stop by anytime to share a thought or a concern or simply to say hello.


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